Evans E12ER15 1.5" E-Ring 10 Pack 12"


Evans E12ER15 1.5" E-Ring 10 Pack 12"

SKU # E12ER15
The E-Ring is an easy-to use external overtone control ring which "floats" on the surface of a drum head. It removes overtones and flattens the drum head's sound and allows for easier tuning. Available in 10-Pack 'Fillers' for 10", 12", 13", 14", 16" and 18". E-Ring Pre-packs are available, matching the most common drum set configurations.

RRP $69
SAVE $10


OR START LAYBY $14.75 (25% Deposit)

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Initial deposit of $15.
Remaining balance in 3 installments of $15 to be paid every month.
Your CC will be charged automatic.
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Total to be paid = $59
* Final amount varies depending on shipping, tax & other charges.


The E-Ring is an easy-to use external overtone control ring which "floats" on the surface of a drum head. It removes overtones and flattens the drum head's sound and allows for easier tuning. Available in 10-Pack 'Fillers' for 10", 12", 13", 14", 16" and 18". E-Ring Pre-packs are available, matching the most common drum set configurations.



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