Evans BD24EMAD2 EMAD2 Clear Bass Drum Head Skin 24"


Evans BD24EMAD2 EMAD2 Clear Bass Drum Head Skin 24"

Evans EMAD2 series features two plies of film. The outer ply of 6.5mil and an inner ply of 10mil film provides an enhanced attack, focus and durability. The EMAD2 contains two interchangeable damping rings that maximize attack and low-end without removing the head or reaching inside the drum. The unparalleled industry standard Externally Mounted Adjustable Damping (EMAD) system allows the player to adjust attack and focus.

RRP $159
SAVE $24


OR START LAYBY $33.75 (25% Deposit)

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Initial deposit of $34.
Remaining balance in 3 installments of $34 to be paid every month.
Your CC will be charged automatic.
We don't save your CC details. You are secure.
Total to be paid = $135
* Final amount varies depending on shipping, tax & other charges.
Or Rent From
$1.16 per weekReturn any time after minimum rental agreement


Evans EMAD2 series features two plies of film. The outer ply of 6.5mil and an inner ply of 10mil film provides an enhanced attack, focus and durability. The EMAD2 contains two interchangeable damping rings that maximize attack and low-end without removing the head or reaching inside the drum. The unparalleled industry standard Externally Mounted Adjustable Damping (EMAD) system allows the player to adjust attack and focus.



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