Paiste - Formula 602 20" Paperthin Cymbal


Paiste - Formula 602 20" Paperthin Cymbal

SKU # M00001270

Warm, silvery, airy with a mystical touch. Medium wide range, fairly complex mix. Very soft, papery feel. Very responsive. A graceful crash cymbal for delicate, sensitive playing with light sticks, brushes, rods and hands. Well suited for mallet rolls.

RRP $1,099
SAVE $170


OR START LAYBY $232.25 (25% Deposit)

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Initial deposit of $232.
Remaining balance in 3 installments of $232 to be paid every month.
Your CC will be charged automatic.
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Total to be paid = $929
* Final amount varies depending on shipping, tax & other charges.
Or Rent From
$9.00 per weekReturn any time after minimum rental agreement


Weight: Light
Volume: Soft

Sound color: Dark
Frequency range: Medium
Frequency mix: Rough/Complex/Rich

Stick Sound: Washy
Response Intensity: Lively
Sustain: Medium
Feel: Soft

Sound Character: Warm, silvery, airy with a mystical touch. Medium wide range, fairly complex mix. Very soft, papery feel. Very responsive. A graceful crash cymbal for delicate, sensitive playing with light sticks, brushes, rods and hands. Well suited for mallet rolls.



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