Toca Freestyle 2 Series Mech Tuned Djembe 12" in African Sunset


Toca Freestyle 2 Series Mech Tuned Djembe 12" in African Sunset

Freestyle II Mechanically Tuned Djembes now take the next step in performance with the installation of all-weather synthetic heads.

RRP $379
SAVE $60


OR START LAYBY $79.75 (25% Deposit)

View terms and conditions
Initial deposit of $80.
Remaining balance in 3 installments of $80 to be paid every month.
Your CC will be charged automatic.
We don't save your CC details. You are secure.
Total to be paid = $319
* Final amount varies depending on shipping, tax & other charges.
Or Rent From
$3.00 per weekReturn any time after minimum rental agreement


The new heads eliminate the stretching, drying, and loss of pitch that can occur with natural skin heads due to changes in weather conditions. Thus they offer greater consistency in sound. Synthetic heads can also be tensioned over a wider range, making them able to produce higher, crisper slaps and deeper bass tones. The drums' lightweight and durable synthetic shells offer outstanding resonance and projection. Each features a protective nonslip rubber bottom. Traditional sounds, high-tech construction, state-of-the-art performance. African Sunset design on wrap and also includes a convenient tuning wrench.


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