Tama SLP Fat Spruce 3 Piece Drum Kit 22" Shell Set - Satin Wild Spruce


Tama SLP Fat Spruce 3 Piece Drum Kit 22" Shell Set - Satin Wild Spruce

The Fat Spruce kit features luxurious 100% Spruce shells, which is rarely used as a material on complete drum sets. Its unique sound is fat and resonant with solid mids and a natural pure tone.

Furthermore, by utilizing die-cast hoops, it provides a very clear, focused attack. It also has a very wide tuning range, making it suitable for a number of music styles. The drums sound great tuned up high for jazz, but also perform well at low to medium tension, optimal for R&B, Blues, Indie Rock and Ballads.

RRP $3,199
SAVE $500


OR START LAYBY $674.75 (25% Deposit)

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Initial deposit of $675.
Remaining balance in 3 installments of $675 to be paid every month.
Your CC will be charged automatic.
We don't save your CC details. You are secure.
Total to be paid = $2,699
* Final amount varies depending on shipping, tax & other charges.
Or Rent From
$26.08 per weekReturn any time after minimum rental agreement


The Fat Spruce kit features luxurious 100% Spruce shells, which is rarely used as a material on complete drum sets. Its unique sound is fat and resonant with solid mids and a natural pure tone.
Furthermore, by utilizing die-cast hoops, it provides a very clear, focused attack. It also has a very wide tuning range, making it suitable for a number of music styles. The drums sound great tuned up high for jazz, but also perform well at low to medium tension, optimal for R&B, Blues, Indie Rock and Ballads....
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The Fat Spruce kit features luxurious 100% Spruce shells, which is rarely used as a material on complete drum sets. Its unique sound is fat and resonant with solid mids and a natural pure tone.

Furthermore, by utilizing die-cast hoops, it provides a very clear, focused attack. It also has a very wide tuning range, making it suitable for a number of music styles. The drums sound great tuned up high for jazz, but also perform well at low to medium tension, optimal for R&B, Blues, Indie Rock and Ballads.

22" x 14" Bass Drum
12" x 8" Tom
16" x 14" Floor Tom

Shell: All Spruce Shell
(TT/FT) 6ply, 5mm / (BD) 8ply, 7mm
Die-Cast Hoops
Direct Flexi-Mount
Evans G1 Coated Heads

Please Note: This is a shell pack only.

Cymbals, hardware, and snare drum are not included and used only for illustration purposes. Contact us today for amazing offers on the best brands!


From the very beginning, TAMA made its mark as an innovator-and never an imitator. Two of the most important reasons for the success so of many groundbreaking TAMA designs: (1) fear of failure never causes us to take the easy way out, and (2) we never give up until we achieve our goal. But the MOST important reason is that our drums and hardware are created by drummers for drummers--without the support and input from drummers around the world, we could never have become “The Strongest Name in Drums.” For this we thank you, and in return, we offer you our pledge to continue to always make the needs and dreams of drummers the number one priority in everything we to do.
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