Zildjian A0231 A Zildjian 17" Medium Thin Crash


Zildjian A0231 A Zildjian 17" Medium Thin Crash

SKU # A0231

Bright. Stronger high-end than Thin Crash.
Zildjian's classic sound is embodied by A Zildjian and immortalized in countless recordings by the greatest drummers of all time. Known for their versatility, these bright cymbals range from paper thin and delicate to extra heavy and cutting. Recent adjustments were made to the curvature and weights of many current models to capture the sweet spot of the classic A sound, producing crashes, rides, and hats that reflect today's musical styles.

RRP $619
SAVE $124


OR START LAYBY $123.75 (25% Deposit)

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Initial deposit of $124.
Remaining balance in 3 installments of $124 to be paid every month.
Your CC will be charged automatic.
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Total to be paid = $495
* Final amount varies depending on shipping, tax & other charges.
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$4.62 per weekReturn any time after minimum rental agreement


The Classic Zildjian Voice that Started it All. These are the cymbals that launched a million drum solos and shaped musical history, immortalized in countless recordings by the greatest drummers of all time. A Zildjians are the world’s most popular and versatile cymbals. Known for their versatility, these bright cymbals range from paper thin and delicate to extra heavy and cutting. Recent adjustments were made to the curvature and weights of many current models to capture the sweet spot of the classic A sound, producing crashes, rides, and hats that reflect today’s musical styles.



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